
Kerala, AP, Punjab and Tripura households spend the most on healthcare

by Shreeya

In a recent study conducted by the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022-2023, it has been revealed that households in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, and Tripura are among the top spenders on healthcare per capita on a monthly basis across India. The survey indicates significant disparities in medical expenditure between different states, highlighting regional variations in healthcare accessibility and affordability.

Among rural populations, Kerala leads with an average monthly expenditure of ₹645 on medical costs, constituting 10.8% of their total monthly per capita expenses (MPCE). This amount is nearly three times higher than expenditures observed in states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. Following closely, Andhra Pradesh spends ₹452.5 per month (9% of MPCE), while Punjab allocates ₹451.2 (8.4% of MPCE) to medical expenses, making them the other top spenders in this category.


In urban areas, Kerala again tops the list with an average monthly expenditure of ₹652.2, followed by Tripura at ₹589.1 and Andhra Pradesh at ₹499.7. These figures underscore the significant financial burden borne by households in these states for medical needs.


The survey, covering expenses related to hospitalizations over the past year and non-hospitalization costs such as medication, doctor fees, and lab tests over the last 30 days, highlights the increasing share of medical expenses in total household consumption. Nationally, rural households spend 7.13% of their MPCE on medical expenses, compared to 5.9% in urban areas, reflecting higher healthcare costs outside major cities.


Experts attribute these spending patterns to factors like medical inflation, varying levels of public healthcare infrastructure, and disparities in health insurance coverage. Dr. Abhinav Akhilesh from Grant Thornton Bharat noted concerns particularly in northeastern states where healthcare accessibility is constrained either due to affordability or physical accessibility.


Antony KR of the National Health Mission highlighted the influence of economic prosperity, literacy rates, and healthcare-seeking behaviors on regional expenditure patterns. For instance, Kerala’s higher literacy and income levels correlate with greater healthcare spending, whereas Punjab’s lower public health expenditure contributes to higher out-of-pocket costs for households.

The findings underscore the complex interplay of economic factors, public policy, and healthcare access in shaping household healthcare expenditures across India.

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