
Top Newsom adviser steps away from health care initiative amid standoff with allies

by Shreeya

In Sacramento, tensions are escalating over California Governor Gavin Newsom’s stance on a proposed ballot initiative related to health care funding. The initiative, supported by prominent health care groups, aims to implement a tax on health insurance companies to bolster funding for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. However, Newsom has expressed reservations about this measure, preferring instead to allocate the funds towards addressing the state’s budget deficit.

Jim DeBoo, a key consultant and former chief of staff to Newsom, has distanced himself from the campaign supporting the ballot initiative. He cited loyalty to the governor and his staff as reasons for stepping away, highlighting internal disagreements over the initiative’s direction. DeBoo’s departure underscores the rift among Newsom’s political allies, with some supporters of the initiative concerned that Newsom’s private reservations could escalate into outright opposition.


Brandon Castillo, another seasoned campaign expert, has taken over DeBoo’s role in managing the initiative. Dustin Corcoran, CEO of the California Medical Association and a leader in the initiative coalition, downplayed DeBoo’s exit as a routine staffing adjustment rather than a significant setback.


While tensions persist between Newsom and his allies over the initiative, Corcoran emphasized that both sides share the goal of enhancing Medi-Cal, differing primarily on the approach to achieve this objective. Despite the friction, Newsom’s office has refrained from commenting on the matter directly, indicating a sensitive political landscape as the initiative heads towards the November ballot.


The standoff reflects broader challenges in aligning state fiscal priorities with health care reform efforts, highlighting the complexities of navigating budgetary pressures and stakeholder interests in California’s political arena.


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